About Us
Our family was established in 1992.  Since that date, we have grown into a family of four humans, two dogs and one cat.  We are Matt, Michelle, Michon, Madeleine, Maggie, Moose and Byron.  We proudly call the beautiful Pacific Northwest our home.  

These days, you will find Matt working hard at his warehouse doing the reclamation thing.  He buys and sells wholesale product to retailers worldwide.  School is on permanent hold (at least until his military obligation is completed).

Michelle keeps busy going to school as a full-time nursing student and working part time at the warehouse, selling online.  Maybe someday she will finish going to school...

Michon is busy getting used to being in middle school now (6th grade).  She enjoys playing her clarinet and playing on the school basketball team.  She is becoming a good cook too!

Madeleine is in the 4th grade this year and has just learned to play the flute.  She also likes to play football with the boys at recess and still enjoys catching all of God's slimy creatures.

Byron (on right)